Economic Regulation of Aviation

CAA ensures that the policies of airports and air navigation service providers (ANSPs) in setting prices do not discriminate unreasonably any class of users of airports or air navigation services, or do not improperly use the conditional position towards users due to their monopoly power. This responsibility is fulfilled through the review and approval of airport and air navigation service charges, ensuring that they comply with the ICAO principles of non-discrimination, transparency, cost-relatedness and consultation with users, and in accordance with the relevant EU legislation in the area of economic regulation of airports and air navigation services providers.

The CAA also ensures that operators who apply to provide groundhandling at airports of the Republic of Kosovo are financially stable.


05-2019 On amending and supplementing the Regulation no. 4/2011 on access to the groundhandling market
05-2018 Amending and supplementing the Regulation No. 02/2015 on the fees levied by the Civil Aviation Authority of the Republic of Kosovo
03-2016 Laying down a common charging scheme for air navigation services
03-2015 Airport charges
02-2015 Fees levied by CAAK (amended and supplemented with the Regulation No. 02/2015)
07-2012 Conditions for provision of air navigation services
04-2011 Access to the groundhandling market

Technical Publications

TP 16 Criteria and procedure for issuance of groundhandling approval






Besnike Ukmata
International Cooperation and Aviation Economic Regulation Department
Tel: +383 38 200 74 269


Granit Berisha
Officer for Economic Regulation of Airports and Air Navigation Services
International Cooperation and Aviation Economic Regulation Department
Tel: +383 38 200 74 271