Aircraft Registry

The CAAK is the sole authority for the registration of civil aircraft in the Republic of Kosovo. The Flight Safety Department maintains the register of civil aircraft registered in Kosovo.

Before an aircraft can be used for flying, it must be registered. The provisions on aircraft registration, nationality and markings are laid down in the Law No. 03/L-051 on Civil Aviation. More detailed rules on registration are contained in Regulation No. 11/2011 on Aircraft Registration and Markings.

The register shows the aircraft owner, possessor, operator, and details of the aircraft. Moreover, any mortgages granted on the aircraft as well as their renewal, cancellation and changes in priority order are entered in the aircraft register.

If the aircraft has not previously been in the Kosovo civil aircraft register, the owner must apply for registration using AACK/DSF/REG-FRM 01 form provided by the CAAK.

The following documents must be attached to the application:

  • bill of purchase or other title deed (or a copy);
  • an attestation or notification of removal from register by a foreign authority or an attestation that the aircraft is not registered in the country of manufacture;
  • power of attorney, if applicable, or other document indicating the right of ownership and the right of signature;
  • if the aircraft has an operator, possessor or agent (other than the owner), please attach a notification on the aircraft operator.


Change of ownership

When an aircraft changes owner, the new owner must notify CAAK of the change of ownership. This notification is made using the same form as for a new registration.

If there is more than one owner, full contact details for all owners must be given on the form or in a separate attachment. All owners must also sign the notification form or present a power of attorney where necessary.

The following documents must be attached to the notification:

  • bill of purchase or other title deed (or a copy);
  • earlier certificate of registration in original;
  • power of attorney, if applicable, or other document indicating the right of ownership and the right of signature;
  • if the aircraft has an operator, possessor or agent (other than the owner), please attach a notification on the aircraft operator.

The documents are subject to a fee. The service fees are based on the Regulation No. 02/2015 on the fees charged and levied by the CAAK. The processing time is approximately one week.


Sales notification and removal from register

The seller of the aircraft may notify CAAK of the sale using a sales notification form. If the seller wants the termination of ownership to be recorded in the aircraft register, the bill of purchase must be enclosed with the notification.

Application for removal of an aircraft from the aircraft register can be made to CAAK using AACK/DSF/REG-FRM 02 form. In the event that the aircraft has been sold to another country, the new country of registration must be stated in the section “Reason for removal”. The original registration certificate must be enclosed with the application.

Aircraft Register of the Republic of Kosovo

Fees for the Registration of an Aircraft


05-2018 Amending and supplementing the Regulation No. 02/2015 on the fees levied by the Civil Aviation Authority of the Republic of Kosovo
09-2017 Reporting, analysis and follow-up of occurrences in civil aviation
01-2017 Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
02-2015 Fees levied by CAAK (amended and supplemented with the Regulation No. 02/2015)
11-2011 Amending and supplementing Regulation no 02-2009 on aircraft registration and marking
02-2009 Aircraft registration and marking

Technical Publications


AACK/DSF/AIW/REG-FRM 01 Application for Registration of Aircraft on Civil Aircraft Registry of Kosovo
AACK/DSF/AIW/REG-FRM 02 Application for Removal of Aircraft from Civil Aircraft Registry of Kosovo




Bajram Xhemaili

Airworthiness Inspector


Tel: +383 38 248 629 ext.103


Matej Krasniqi

Airworthiness Inspector


Tel: +383 38 248 629 ext.102